A myth is a non-truth that we hear from others. Some myths become truths in the minds of many. One such myth is, “If I am not hurrying, then life will pass me by.” We see people racing past us in their cars only to be lined up and waiting at the next stop light. Being efficient and active is a good thing as long as it does not lead to being hyperactive and to extremes of efficiency. Hurrying does not leave time to smell the roses and often does lead to mistakes and a lack of time taken to gather the facts we need for good decision making.
Quality work takes time. Quality character does not come overnight. Paul wrote that it is by patient continuance in doing good that we seek eternal life (Romans 2:7).
Young people sometimes cram so much activity into their daily schedules that they are exhausted by the end of the day. There is not time to relish what the day has brought and, we miss out on life. Life only passes us by when we are going so fast that we forget to live.
Life is a blur with no lasting details.
Slow down and admire the view. Smell the flowers and live.